Posted in Health5 Comments on How Forgetful I Am

How Forgetful I Am

Written by: Heather on

forgettingI’ve only been up for a few hours so far today, it’s still early in the morning. I was sitting here reading stuff online, when I thought did I take my medicine today? I honestly couldn’t remember. I got up and actually had to count how many pills were in the bottle, and sure enough I did take it. All my days just seem to blend in to each other, specially if it’s something I did in the morning. I can never remember if something was from that morning or the day before. Guess I’ll have to buy one of those silly pill organizers.

Is this normal for someone my age at 46 or is there something else going on?

My memory sucks, there were so many times that I would forget people’s names at one of my jobs. They weren’t my friends, but they would be on my small team and I worked with them every day. Or maybe I just didn’t care enough to try and remember their names better? I am forgetful about many other things too, but not going to bore you with talking about it all.  Or have I already done that?

I guess as long as I don’t forget my wife’s name I’m good right?  Otherwise I may be sleeping in sofa city.

Sofa city, sweetheart.


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5 thoughts on “How Forgetful I Am

  1. That’s the only way I stay on track with my dailys. It will be helpful. I didnt think I needed one but it helps friend.

  2. I so identify with this post. I make frequent use of my Reminders app on my iPhone now. I use mnemonic devices to remember names. I’m very forgetful, to the point of wondering, is the quality of my life dependent on the memories I can actually recall? My wife remembers so much more than I do about the daily details.

    1. LOL I think I removed the reminders app from mine a long time ago, I am reinstalling it to try it out, thanks. I do tend to use mnemonic devices for other things, maybe I just didn’t truly care about remembering their names…

      Glad I am not the only one

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